Show and Tell
Show and Tell is exactly what it sounds like - Show off a piece you've made and Tell us all about it!
Every meeting we dedicate some time to seeing what our members have been working on and want to share. You don't have to be a professional turner to participate in Show and Tell, that's for sure! Some of the pieces are by new turners who are just starting out and are proud of their achievements. Others are by seasoned turners demonstrating their skills with advanced techniques. It's a great opportunity to bring a piece in and have others give you advice on what you could have done better, and to get encouragement from your fellow turners that yes, you are on the right track! |
It's always great to see new things our members are trying, whether it's segmented turning, multi-axis turning, a bowl, or a hollow turning. Don't be shy, share what you've done!
We have a table at the front of the meeting room where you can put your piece. Please make sure to fill in the information about your piece, most importantly, your name! Include what type of wood you were working with, and what type of finish you used. When it's time, you'll get a couple of minutes in front of the meeting to talk about what you've brought in. You'll be on camera, and a picture of your piece will make its way to the website. Check out previous Show and Tell pieces in the Gallery. |