Become a MEMBER...
Please complete the membership application by clicking the "Membership Application" button below. It will take you to an on-line form and will send your completed application to the Membership Coordinator and Treasurer for processing. The annual membership fee is $60.00 and can be paid by e-transfer, cash, or cheque (Made payable to Valley Woodturners). The club also offers a family membership, limited to 2 people per family, at a fee of $90. For family memberships, each member of the family has to submit the on-line form.
The club takes great care in ensuring that our members privacy is respected and to that end we ask that our members confirm on the new members application form the type of correspondence they agree to receive via email from the club. Our membership list is private and will not be shared with any outside parties, ever!
As a Chapter associated with the American Association of Woodturners, we highly recommend becoming a member of the AAW.
The club takes great care in ensuring that our members privacy is respected and to that end we ask that our members confirm on the new members application form the type of correspondence they agree to receive via email from the club. Our membership list is private and will not be shared with any outside parties, ever!
As a Chapter associated with the American Association of Woodturners, we highly recommend becoming a member of the AAW.